Research & Insights

StatusProject/Paper TitleCountryTopicSub-Topic
CompleteIncarceration and its Disseminations: Covid-19 Pandemic Lessons from Chicago’s Cook County Jail US DevelopmentSocial Outcomes
CompleteAssociation of Jail Decarceration and Anti-Contagion Policies with Covid-19 Case Growth Rates in United States CountiesUSDevelopmentSocial Outcomes
CompleteMostly Harmless Machine Learning: Learning Optimal Instruments in Linear IV Models MethodologyMeasurement
CompleteThe Promise of Machine Learning for the Courts of India IndiaDevelopmentJudicial Efficiency
CompleteCarceral-community Epidemiology, Structural Racism, and Covid-19 DisparitiesUSDevelopmentDisparities & Bias
CompleteQuadratic Voting for Survey Research (QVSR): A Platform for Deploying QV in Survey ContextsMethodologyMeasurement
CompleteMapping the Geometry of Law using Document Embeddings USMethodologyMeasurement
CompleteReligious Rituals: Evidence from RamadanPakistanInclusion & FairnessJudicial Efficiency
CompleteTraining Effective AltruismPakistanTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
CompleteDoes Speed of Case Resolution Matter?KenyaInclusion & FairnessDisparities & Bias
Does Speed of Case Resolution Matter?IndiaHow Justice can Influence BusinessJudicial Efficiency
CompleteIn-group Bias in the Indian Judiciary: Evidence from 5 Milion Criminal CasesIndiaInclusion & FairnessDisparities & Bias
CompleteMeasuring Hate Speech and Fake News on Social Media with Contextual Machine LearningNigeriaDigital TransformationsDisparities & Bias
CompleteRole Models Matter for Covid Vaccinations and Conditional Cash Transfers Do Not: Impact on Vaccinations and Student AchievementPakistanTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
CompleteTraining Policymakers in EconometricsPakistanTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
CompleteTransmitting Rights: A Field Experiment on Cooperation and Gender Desegregation in PakistanPakistanDisparities & Bias
CompleteWho is in Justice? Caste, Religion and Gender in the Courts of Bihar over a DecadeIndiaInclusion & FairnessDisparities & Bias
CompleteWhy Are Rights Revolutions Rare?PakistanGenderSocial Outcomes
CompleteBarometer of Institutional Integrity in the Judiciary MethodologyMeasurement
CompleteDate Science for Justice: Evidence from a Randomized Judicial Reform in the Kenyan judiciaray Kenya Digital TransformationsJudicial Efficiency
CompleteEarly Predictability of Asylum Court DecisionsUSInclusion & FairnessDisparities & Bias
CompleteGender Attitudes in the Judiciary: Evidence from U.S. Circuit CourtsUSGenderDisparities & Bias
CompleteInformation Provision and Court Performance: Experimental Evidence from Chile ChileEfficiencyJudicial Efficiency
CompleteJust Water? Environmental Jurisprudence, Water Quality and Infant Mortality in IndiaIndiaDevelopmentSocial Outcomes
CompleteDigitization of Courts: Impacts on Judicial Efficiency
and Firms
Chile Inclusion & FairnessJudicial Efficiency
CompleteThe Impact of Free Legal Search on Rule of Law: Evidence from Indian KanoonIndiaInclusion & FairnessJudicial Efficiency
CompleteThe Role of Justice in Development: The Data Revolution DevelopmentSocial Outcomes
In ProgressContract Enforcement in a Stateless Economy PakistanHow Justice can Influence BusinessSocial Outcomes
In ProgressPeruEfficiencyJudicial Efficiency
In ProgressImproving the Quality of Legal Aid: Tech-Enabled Mediation in PeruPeruEfficiencyJudicial Efficiency
In ProgressMental Health, Teacher Stress, and Student Achievement: Experimental Evidence from PakistanPakistanTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
In ProgressReshaping Beliefs about Ourselves and Others: Experimental Evidence from Civil Servants in PakistanPakistanJudicial BehaviorSocial Outcomes
In ProgressThe Impact of Case Management on Efficiency and Quality of Dispute Resolution: Evidence from Court-Annexed Mediation in KenyaKenyaDigital TransformationsJudicial Efficiency
In ProgressThe Impact of the Socratic Method on Judges: Experimental Evidence from PeruPeruTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
In ProgressTraining Policymakers in AIPakistanTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
In ProgressCourts and Informality Across CountriesKenyaDevelopmentSocial Outcomes
In ProgressEmotional Intelligence Training Reduces Dishonesty Among Civil ServantsPakistanTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
CompleteInmates’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Preferences: Evidence from Czech PrisonsCzech Judicial BehaviorSocial Outcomes
In ProgressHow do Youths Learn Justice? Embedded-EthiCS Digital LiteracyTanzaniaDigital TransformationsSocial Outcomes
In ProgressImplicit Attitudes Among Judges: Experimental Evidence from PeruPeruInclusion & FairnessDisparities & Bias
In ProgressJudge-value Added and the Production Frontier of JusticeCroatiaHow Justice can Influence Business
In ProgressJudicial Speed and Firm Performance: Evidence from Chilean Civil CourtsChile How Justice can Influence Business
In ProgressSmart Allocation of Mediators, Arbitrators and CounselorsIndiaEfficiencyJudicial Efficiency
In ProgressSpecial TribunalsIndiaDigital TransformationsJudicial Efficiency
In ProgressThe Impact of End of the Month Quota on Firm Outcomes in CroatiaCroatiaHow Justice can Influence BusinessSocial Outcomes
In ProgressThe Impact of Judge Decisions’ on Victims’ Criminal BehaviorChile Judicial BehaviorSocial Outcomes
In ProgressThe Impact of Legal Search on Firm OutcomesBrazil How Justice can Influence BusinessSocial Outcomes
In ProgressThe Impact of Online Dispute Resolution on Mental-Well Being in Domestic DisputesIndiaDigital TransformationsSocial Outcomes
In ProgressThe Impact of Online Dispute Resolution on Micro, Small and Medium EnterprisesIndiaDigital TransformationsSocial Outcomes
In ProgressThe Impact of Online Lok Adalats on Judicial EfficiencyIndiaEfficiencyJudicial Efficiency
In ProgressThe Impact of Teacher Monitoring and Feedback on Gender Bias and Judicial PerformancePeruGenderDisparities & Bias
In ProgressWhatsapp Access to Courts Chile Digital TransformationsJudicial Efficiency
In ProgressDigital DemocracyEstoniaDigital TransformationsSocial Outcomes
In ProgressDynamic Incentives in Indian CourtsIndiaJudicial BehaviorJudicial Efficiency
CompleteThe Impact of Court Construction: Evidence from Kenya KenyaEfficiencySocial Outcomes
CompleteBeliefs as AssetsPakistanTraining/Capacity BuildingSocial Outcomes
CompleteMachine Learning and DeterrenceBrazil Digital TransformationsSocial Outcomes
CompleteTransforming Justice in MENA through Data MENADevelopmentSocial Outcomes