Judicial Efficiency

Click here to access DE JURE’s full research catalog & links to each paper.

Completed Papers

The Impact of Report Cards on Court Performance: A study investigating the impact of one-page report cards on court performance in Kenya. A pilot project has been completed, and scale-up and evaluation of downstream impacts is ongoing.

Arbiter: Data Management for Mediation: A study assessing the impact of a digital tool (Arbiter) for data collection and case management through court-annexed mediation.

Case Management App in Pakistan: A study examining the digitization of court records and integration with a legal case management app in Pakistan.

Ongoing Projects

Training for Court Officials in Peru: A study examining the impact of different types of training for judges and prosecutors on learning outcomes, professional performance, and litigant outcomes.

Impact of Free Legal Search on Rule of Law: Evidence from Indian Kanoon: A study exploring whether digital platforms offering free legal information improve the performance of courts and the justice system at large by estimating the impact of Indian Kanoon, a free legal search engine in India.

Point Systems, Incentives and Judicial Efficiency: A study assessing the impact of an existing points-based incentive scheme on the efficiency and efficacy of current judicial processes and judges in Uttar Pradesh.

Dashboard for Judicial Efficiency: An analysis of the effect of a data dashboard representing the status of the judiciary in districts and states across India.

Digitization of Courts: Impacts on Judicial Efficiency and Firms: A study of the impact of electronic processing on the duration and quantity of incoming court cases.

Sama: Efficient Allocation of Mediators: A study introducing a new approach for more effective mediator case allocation.

Lok Adalat: Online Dispute Resolution: A study assessing the impact of online mediation on the efficiency and productivity of judicial processes across states in India, including reducing case backlog and increasing citizen access to justice.

Quantum: The Effect of Information on Court Performance: A study investigating the impact of providing information on court performance on court efficiency, with follow-up analysis of downstream impacts on firms.

The Effect of Productivity Quotas on Judicial Decisions: A study evaluating the impact of productivity quotas for judges on the quality of judicial decisions and firm outcomes in Croatia.

The Impact of Court Construction: Evidence from Kenya: A study examining the role of a robust legal system in promoting investment and economic growth through the establishment of courts in Kenya, with findings revealing increased court usage and investment by firms in contract-intensive sectors.