About Us

Our Collaborators

oTree Open Source Research Foundation

Department for International Development

European Union

The World Bank

European Research Council

National Science Foundation

Swiss National Science Foundation

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

International Growth Centre

Knowledge for Change Trust Fund

Russell Sage Foundation

Jan Wallanders and Tom Hedelius Foundation

Kenya Digital Green

University of Chicago Bucksbaum

J-Pal South Asia

India DE JURE Seed


What is DE JURE?

Data and Evidence for Justice Reform(DE JURE) program aims to revolutionize the way we measure, understand and enhance legitimacy and equality in justice systems. DE JURE program leverages extensive experience in developing customized data and evidence ecosystems to produce actionable information, and recommending specific policy pathways to sustainable poverty reduction and increased shared prosperity.


Our Mission is to champion justice reform around the world with cutting-edge science and technology.

The DE JURE program bridges the gap between rigorous evidence and policymaking in judiciaries around the world. We do three key kinds of work:


We work with client governments to tackle priority policy questions and measure the causal impacts of reforms by embedding experimental research into the rollout and scale-up of justice sector interventions. Learn more at Research & Insights.


We apply our expertise in machine learning and key insights from our research to develop publicly accessible tools that can be easily adapted to improve local justice outcomes. We bring our machine learning expertise to bear.


We work with judiciaries and governments to use data from case management systems where they exist and build them where they don’t exist. We bring together key elements from these systems in the form of ‘Doing Justice’ indicators.